viernes, 30 de abril de 2010

Libro leido: Waiting for you. Susane Colasanti

Marisa comienza el nuevo curso con una idea, quiere cambiar, tener más amigos y conseguir novio, y no cualquier chico, sino Derek, uno de los chicos más guapos y populares.

En esta historia se entremezclan las vidas de Marisa, Sterling (su mejor amiga) y Nash (su vecino friki). Marisa tiene que luchar contra la depresión que el año anterior hizo que su vida fuera a pique, a Sterling solo le gustan los chicos mayores, y Nash siempre está ahí, siendo un buen amigo.


"It’s strange how you can live so close to someone and grow up with him without ever really knowing who he is. Or maybe you used to know him, but now you’re like strangers. It’s weird how time can change something you thought would always stay the same."

"Because it has to be over. It’s just like John Mayer says in “Slow Dancing in a Burning Room.” When it’s this bad, you have to get out or you’ll get burned."

"“Wait,” I go. “So you don’t think the whole package exists?” Because that’s exactly what I’ve been looking for, too. And I don’t want to find out I’m looking for something that isn’t out there.
“Maybe,” Aunt Katie says, “but maybe the package comes in a different shape than we originally thought it would. The most important thing? Is being with someone who really cares about you.”

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